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tiny pocket dr t


tiny pocket dr t

by jeffdiamondchin November 24, 2020

Razor Pocket Mod

The Razor Pocket Mod is a ride-on vehicle intended for people 13 and up. It goes 15 miles per hour ( 24 kilometers per hour). It also has storage under the seat. It takes 12 hours to get it to a full charge. It also lasts 48 minutes on a full charge. The Pocket Mod comes in these variants: Hot Mod (red), Vapor Black, Kiki (cyan), Betty (purple), Bistro White, Bistro Blue, and there were some other ones like the Hanna Montana (deep purple) variant.

Wow, look at that kid’s Razor Pocket Mod!

by W1MPYKD January 15, 2024

Pocket Picker

On the surface, the word seems similar to 'pickpocket,' but it has a whole different meaning. A pocket picker, similar to a 'prison princess,' is a person who hangs onto the pocket of stronger, more dominant prisoners, mostly referring to gay people. It can also be used to refer to someone who is so far up someone else's ass that you can see the hair in the back of their throat.

Male 1: Yo, you hear about Male 2? He started picking pockets. People are calling him a pocket picker.

by Harry the prisoner July 7, 2024

Pork Pocket

When you stab a morbidly obese person, and fuck the stab wound.

He used the body's Pork Pockets to ejaculate in.

by Violet Starfire September 21, 2023

Shoulder Pocket

A shoulder pocket is a hole formed by the meeting of your collarbone and your shoulder. The shoulder pocket is important when identifying a potential mate, for the obvious benefit of being able to hold snacks for after-coitus hunger.

Omg Mariah, Jon has the BEST shoulder pockets. I am gonna marry that mutha fucka.

by KoeiLovesJonsShoulderPockets August 25, 2018

Gas Station Pocket Knife

An individual that looks and acts tough, but is actually a pushover.

A bully or poser

"That Gas Station Pocket Knife started a shove match with a waiter for getting his girlfriend's order wrong, but he started crying after the waiter threw a punch."

by RalphTheWanderer October 7, 2022

pocket fruit

When you're high and you forget you have Starburst in
your pocket.

Fuck yeah! Found some pocket fruit!

by ZombieTentacles March 1, 2015