November 10th The day you slap the ginger you know the little flame haired being you see.
Yo you know its slap a ginger day today
To whip our your balls and bitch slap a hoe with them.
Damn that bitch just got testicular bitch slapped by that guy.
this month is march and is the third month of the year and because the word ass this month will be honor slapping asses this will be one of the few months the you can slap your friends , girls ass you just need to say march slap ass (this is not gay )
me:one day I slapped a girls ass she got mad but i told her the it was march slap ass
It's where you slap people asses to show respect and affection
Guys, it's slap that ass season.
A slap across the face with so much force that even Hellen Keller hears it.
Me: Shit! Hellen I think someone just got a French Bitch Slap, did you hear that?
Me:... Umm I have to go now.
Slapping a woman with some mud in Louisiana.
I just Louisiana Mud Slapped that feminist