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Down the shore”. Typically used by northern new jerseyans who have beach houses at the jersey shore.

Mary: I can’t wait to go dts this summer!
Jane: Nothing beats seaside nj during the summer!

by beachlover432 December 12, 2024


Down to snuggle

Are you DTS

by Bigsimp69 December 6, 2021


down to scissor

"They were making out in her bed pretty heavily, I bet they were DTS after that."

by mergern January 28, 2015


Down to suck

Boy: hey Suzie are you DTS dick
Girl: sure

by IAMTHEKINGBEY June 24, 2015


Down to spoon

"hey what's going on Keira?"
"I don't feel so good, though I'm really DTS!"
"Great!, I'll pick you up in 5 minutes"

by Urbanterminology September 23, 2014


Down The Shore

Me: Hey ryan you going dts this weekend?
Ryan: Hell yeah bro everybody is going dts this weekend!

by TopWigga June 6, 2020


down the shore” - mostly jersey shore goers, no it’s not grandma slang, if you’re going to your beach house you tell you’re friends this

Are you going dts this weekend?

by wackadoodleloodle June 21, 2023