Source Code

Pickle Crown

Pickle Crown is the phrase that is used to refer to the penile foreskin in a classy manner.

Example 1:
Girl - So he is uncircumcised?
Boy - Yep, he's got his pickle crown fully intact.

Example 2:
Doctor - The operation is going well. Nurse, take the pickle crown and make sure to handle it tenderly
Nurse - Yes Doctor

by Chaotican June 21, 2010

14๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž

sea pickle

A human turd floating freely in any body of water. More specifically, the ocean.

While catching some waves, I made contact with a sea pickle

by Nick T. April 5, 2006

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pickle sniffer

a man who actively looks for men to pick up.

This pickle sniffer wouldn't stop staring at my boyfriend.

by dee October 1, 2004

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Floppy Pickle

A penis; a pickle served at fast food restaurants.

-Oh ze floppy pickle in ze sandvich ohh ze mayonaise
-Damn they gave me a floppy pickle

by Popenduricecream January 31, 2004

59๐Ÿ‘ 12๐Ÿ‘Ž

sea pickle

When you take a dump in the ocean.

It's late in your summer house and everyone is getting ready i.e. the bathrooms are full so you run out to the ocean to take a sea pickle.

by Katherine Escobar April 5, 2006

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dilly of a pickle

it's a problem or something that stumps you.

Dave:how do we get that cat down from the tree?

Lyndsay: I'm not sure, that's a dilly of a pickle!

by Jane_22 June 7, 2005

66๐Ÿ‘ 14๐Ÿ‘Ž

pickle tits

A set of tits, male or female, that are elongated, sagging, and covered in zits. This type of tits are generally found on fat people with poor hygiene and are unmistakable when unclothed.

Look at that fat kid standing around over there with his shirt off. His pickle tits sure are making me hungry.

by p0wnzor August 12, 2009

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