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Bear Attack

Single handedly the greatest techno song / real life event to ever occur. Created by DJ Technosauce, Bear Attack has found it's way into the homes of many... and left none alive.

Matt: Dude, look at those torn jeans, it's like he just got bear attacked!
Dan: Miss Reilly, the bears, they're everywhere!

by LeTigra;) February 2, 2009

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Heart Attack

A sandwhich from McDonalds that contains 2 double cheeseburgers with 2 McChicken sandwhiches in the middle. It contains roughly 1,700 calories. It costs roughly $4 to get. Some assembly is required.

Tommy and Eddie both got Heart Attacks at McDonalds.

After finishing the Heart Attacks in 4 minutes, Eddie and Tommy felt like throwing up.

by Whittaker Crest June 6, 2007

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Panis attack

When a panic attack occurs and that little piece of flub on you kind of goes BLEH.

Yesterday i had a panis attack and i was on the floor R-O-T-F-L-O-L-I-N-G while watching the Little Mermaid 2.

by The Mascarafier March 13, 2009

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JUUL Attack

The panic and anxiety attack you feel when you cant locate your JUUL in times of need.

Lisa reached for her JUUL and when she realized it wasn't in her pocket she immediately began displaying signs of a JUUL attack.

by Joewiththejuul April 4, 2018

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rrheasthmatic attack

You know, when you have to take a shit so bad when you have diarrhea, and you run to the shitter so fast that you develop a mild case of asthma... you've been there.

Usually happens when you:
1. Are a mad fast sprinter
2. Are overweight and take naturally massive dumps
3. A combination of 1 and 2, if at all possible
4. Oh yeah, or if you are a big pussy

Ross: Holy shit, did you see that tubby chick head for the john? She had the worst rrheasthmatic attack ever, but hell, I don't blame her... she nearly sharted all over my fucking leg.

Timmy: You know everybody hates you, right?

by RGTimE December 28, 2009

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Sudden Attack

A sudden attack is a sudden, unexpected, unstoppable need to take a massive dump. Most often occurs in those with Irritable Bowel Syndrome or those who just consumed a large amount of fast food. 95% of the time, a sudden attack doesn't leave you enough time to walk to the nearest crapper forcing you to sprint like a madman which only makes it harder to hold it in. As such, you're forced to clench your asscheeks together as hard as you can resulting in a very awkward looking running posture that is certain to catch the attention and imagination of all nearby.

"That six-pack and a pound sure hit the spot...OH SHIT, SUDDEN ATTACK!"

Bob: Whoa, that guy's running like he just took it in the ass.
John: Probably a sudden attack.

Bob: Are we there yet? I gotta take a dump soon.
John: I think that there's a gas station about ten minutes down...
John: Goddammit...

by Yeret February 9, 2015

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anxiety attack

It's different for everyone, but picture anxiety combined with a panic attack, all of your senses going into over drive, lights seeming brighter, sounds getting louder and you're hyperventilating.

friend: Why were you late to bio?
me: I was having an anxiety attack

by _mooo_ July 31, 2021

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