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Bennie boo

It’s stuff anmail u can sleep with or play with there soft and best to take place they can’t go in water though

Omg I juts bought a dog Bennie boo it’s the best stuff anmail ever

by Bennie boo November 24, 2019

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Benny's Balderdash

Is a gameshow on the Ben Maller Show written by Anthony in Anaheim, played on Friday's at 2:30am. The game was formerly known as "Jeopardy " until the show received a letter from Jeopardy lawyers

I can't wait to win a golden ticket on Benny's Balderdash

by AnthonyinAnaheim March 31, 2017

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benny franks

another way to say Bejamin Franklin.

peroson- who's that man who invented electricity?
you- Benny Franks Bitch.

by wowzas April 14, 2008

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benny bus

a bus filled with bennies who get drunk at their "summer home" and have to call a huge bus for them and their friends.

Tom: what the hell is making all that noise at two o' clock in the morning?
george: it's the freaking bennies, they had to call a benny bus because they got so wasted.

by your mom=) November 20, 2006

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Benny Boy

A guy who is funny no matter what he says, as the manner in which he speaks and moves is hilarious in and of itself.

*Benny Boy swaggers over*

Benny Boy: "Hey you cool guys, here's the BENNY BOY!"

*Slight pause in which everyone else looks at each other*


by Jammy_ April 10, 2013

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on the Benny Hill

more mockney slang-
on the pill

by bachx April 24, 2003

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Benny Trip

When you take a shit load of Benadryl and then a shit load of acid and just go for a ride.

Wanna go on a benny trip tonight.

by Pekito August 12, 2021

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