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A bird is someone who is bad at life.

That Sarah girl is such a bird; what is she wearing?

by Random Marely (SPA) April 26, 2006

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The word.

Tom:Whats today's word?
Billy:The bird.
Billy:The bird is the word.

by random_letters_goKGBHAEDKGBEGB July 22, 2010

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a replacement for the overused expression "word" usually said while giving a "high fist" to a friend after something deserving of said action.

bird! ('nuff said)

by bri July 12, 2003

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a bird is a female or male who gives head.

there is this girl giselle who may want to be a bird to this kid hines like the ketchup if he asked her to...

by Maeghan June 16, 2004

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a promiscuous woman, old or young, who is loud and has a tendency to not to shut up. Typically, she will sound like a chirping bird, squawking words more than them.

She banged the whole crew, she a bird.
She was flocking my jock like a bird my nigga.

by MattalynSueEllen April 15, 2015

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One who flees or runs away once the police come or when sh** gets real

Damn, that hobo started coming after us and that bird Larry was out

by Swaggykid321 June 1, 2014

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a term used in New Orleans to say penis

That boy has a big bird with a vein in it.

by RoShiggity December 6, 2016

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