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Tiger and Bunny

An underrated anime produced by Sunrise. It follows the lives of a middle aged doofus, Kotetsu T. Kaburagi, and a so tsundere it hurts Barnaby Brooks Jr. At first Barnaby hates Kotetsu, but his oyaji moe comes through and they end up actually liking each other. It's super plotty and has lots of homolust in it (calm down, it's not actually a yaoi).

The loveable characters and interesting plot has built it a dedicated fanbase.

Also, this anime will make you cry every time you see fried rice.

"Hey! Are you watching Tiger and Bunny this Saturday?"
"You bet!"

"What are you doing?"
"Looking at TigerxBunny pictures."
"You ship that?"
"Who doesn't ship that?"

by Reyna Alvarez October 6, 2011

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ears bunny

A slang term telling an ex lover good-bye, used with a hand gesture in which you give the peace sign. In other words, "peace out" but more pissed off... cause they're an asshole

"My ex dumped me on the phone after 6 years of dating, but now I'm sleeping with somebody better. Ears bunny, bitch."

by raddiemoss May 27, 2021

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Fuzzy bunny

Refers to the pseudo-idealistic and often abjectly hypocritical sensibilities of the bug-eyed positive-energy-only-or-else people.

The fuzzy bunny girl was obviously offended by the truth of the matter; truth often gets misconstrued as negative-speak.

by Danny Durden July 31, 2020

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double bunny

When International sensation BTS appeared on The Late Show with Stephen Colbert, Taehyung made bunny ears on Jungkook's head saying 'Beware the double bunny'. This sent the Fandom into a frenzy as they gushed over how cute they were.

Guys let's pretend like 'Jungkook the double bunny' is scary

by btssupremacy May 26, 2021

Bunny Clit

A clitoris that is so sensitive she starts bouncing and hopping the second you touch it or lick it.

Rachel got that bunny clit. I gave it a kick and she kicked the lamp off the night stand.

I had to tie her to the bed posts cause she got that bunny clit.

by Dick Onchin September 9, 2020

Bunny paw

1. A petite camel toe.
2. A camel toe on a girl who doesn't like to compare her mons pubis to something as large as a camel's hoof.

Hey lady, you got a nice camel toe working down there!
Actually, I prefer to call it a bunny paw. And thank you.

by Tantrums July 27, 2011

guard bunny

A guard bunny or lifeguard bunny is one who only sleeps with or hooks up with lifeguards.

They are typically attracted to tan, built males and have a fascination for men in uniform much like badge bunnies (women who only go after cops), although this uniform is a pair of shorts.

Kate is a blonde who only gets with lifeguards, even in the winter. She is a guard bunny.

by 7mileislander November 30, 2009