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look guys i got a new camera

It means when you're dumb enough to try to show a person a g u n and say "look guys i got a new camera" and accidentally kill them

Look guys i got a new camera *gun shot* oh sorry

by Básnik May 14, 2021


When you see Tiddies on Camera.

I saw a Camera-Tiddy bruh.

by LemmeYeet June 14, 2021

Off-Camera Mining

When a person, usually a Youtuber, plays Minecraft and switches into creative mode and gets more loot. It is typically unrealistic but some intelligent people make like 5 Iron Ingots or 2 Diamonds every time they go Off-Camera Mining.
Other times, people go Off-Camera Mining in the overworld but somehow get an entire stack of ancient debris without even lighting a nether portal.

Temple-Rubber: "Did you see that new Benjamin Earthmover MC video?"
Intellectual: "No! It's full of Off-Camera Mining and he doesn't even try to make it make sense."

by The real Benjamin Earthmover December 14, 2024

national digital camera day

on august 21 everyone will celebrate by taking pictures on there digital camera!!

“hey wanna take a picture? it’s national digital camera day!”

by marcopolo12333444 July 7, 2023

Where are the cameras?

A phrase used when somebody thinks another person is joking and they can't be serious.

Principal: Since you used your phone in class, I will have to suspend you for 3 days.
Student: Where are the cameras? This is insane!

by ZuiyOTF47 August 31, 2022


When frog tries to webcam.

Frog streamer: ''This is marmite, chat,''
''I'm not very good at cameraing.''

by Frog chat streamer gameer February 13, 2021

Drop the camera

Failing to score with the hot photographer at the wedding because you almost broke the equipment.

Lester almost tooled that except he was afraid he would drop the camera and there wasn't a replacement.

by B-dawg August 24, 2017