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A type of disease that makes NFL quarterbacks throw 2 interceptions a game for the rest of their career.

Cam Newton picked up a serious case of carson-wentzism while on the patriots.

by Rstoloff June 21, 2021

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carson and emma

The most 'on-again-off-again' couple you'll ever meet. They both go to you after every break-up.

"I heard Carson and Emma broke up.. again."

by notalizard January 6, 2018

7๐Ÿ‘ 2๐Ÿ‘Ž

city of carson

1. the illest city in the (310).
2. the city in which the Home Depot Center resides.
3. the city in which St.Filipino resides.
4. the city in which most of the HOT, SEXII - Lookin, or FIINE Filipinos reside.

OCgirlA: 'Oh Em Gee! Where can I find some like, hot Filipino boys? There are barely even any decent looking Filipino guys in Anaheim. Like seriously...'
OCgirlB: 'Like if you wanna find some Hot-ass Filipinos you have to look for some guys in Carson.'
OCgirlA: 'You mean like Carson, Nevada?'
OCgirlB: 'No. I mean Carson,California. The City of Carson. Not Carson City. You know? The place where they have all those scary gangs. It's kinda close to Compton n' like stuff. Oh Em Gee. Jus google it!'

by CMSPK August 22, 2008

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Carson Daily

That gay ass nose ring he so proudly sports

Your not really "cool" unless you have a Carson Daily.

by Adolph Oliver Bush February 4, 2004

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Carson City

The best fucking city in all of Nevada, also the Meth capital of the state of Nevada and possibly the U.S.

That's some quality Carson City Meth biotch!

by Paprika! July 22, 2008

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Carson Bjork

A big man, usually named Fluff loves fucking retarded kids when there sleeping and also likes to smoke weed every day of his life and spends hundreds of dollars on cartridges. Also he works at Qdoba and gets free food cause hes white. And lastly he loves big black dick in his mouth on a Friday night.

Oh that guy is a Carson Bjork

by OklolxD June 23, 2019

Carson Struve

A sexy beast with a 20inch cock

Boy is that Carson struve, the born star?!!!!

by Boii2509 August 4, 2017