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He is dumb and very mean

Colton is ugly

by Hi My Fleshy Mammel September 3, 2017


Fat cunt

That guy is such a colton.

by 735382 February 22, 2019


Annoying dumb and will make your life hell stay away from Colton’s

Colton ate all my food

by UrbenDicktionaryOfflcial October 10, 2020


That one kid who offers ppl chicken. furry. gay.

"No... furry emo gay"

by Astric420 May 16, 2022


Similar to the Kyan, Colton’s are playful and rowdy. What sets them apart is that they are rather small and sarcastic. They prefer fighting larger names.

God damit, there’s Colton’s everywhere!

by A friendly wirus December 13, 2018


Colton is a man who meat rides dick constantly and loves his boyfriends especially boys named Theron

Everyone: let’s go golfing
Colton: sorry guys I can’t I’m waiting for Theron to double pump my ass

by Meatdaddy69 July 17, 2023


A man with lushes lettuce, party animal, and a grill master. Colton’s are usually the life of the party and like loud 60s country. They are fueled by alcohol. The more drinks they consume, the better their dancing gets. Although, even a Colton has his breaking point. His kryptonite is odd or even. After drinking too much he turns into a crazed sex machine and has only one thing in his mind.

Who’s that running the odd even table? Must be a Colton.

by Saucetrain September 15, 2022