Being convicted of statutory rape while working/attending Hendersonville High School
John: You hear about the JROTC Commander at HHS?
Shaun Holinsworth: Yessir he was a true commando
A washed up soldier who used to be in the cavalry but is now nothing more than an alcoholic who suffers from Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, Chronic Depression, and severe night terrors.
Remember the Jagged Commando who lived next door? He was pitiful.
Capable of getting sexual consent from any woman or man.
Aidan: My teacher Trent has the ability to get with any women he wants.
Me: That man is such a consent commando
when you can’t remember the word for barefoot
aw shat i lost my socks AND shoes. guess i’m going foot commando.
From the South Wales Valleys (UK) where men go out for a night out on the town with the intention of picking up a lady in order to stay the night. This is usually accompanied by a toothbrush in their shirt's chest pocket.
sim. Paratrooping
Q: How you getting home tonight Dylan?
A: Don't need to boys, goin' Valleys Commando.
when after wiping yourself after using the toilet, the toilet paper comes up clean on the first wipe.
Jane took a deuce in the ladies room and thankfully came up commando clean because she used up last squares of the only roll of TP and was wearing her best white jeans.