Noun. A person who falls asleep in court while sitting at the table in front of the judge while their lawyer is pleading their case in open court. Sometimes it is more than one person, which some are in the court audience who nod off and fall on the person sitting next to them or hit their head on the seat in front of them.
The Court Nodder typically goes on a drug binge for days before their court hearing because they think they will have to go to jail or prison. The condition is typically brought on by using meth and staying up for days or using opiates and nodding off during your court proceeding.
Judge: What was that noise?
District Attorney: Your honor, we have a Court Nodder in the third row that hit the floor.
Judge: Bailiff, See if you can wake them up and arrest them for disrupting my court or call EMS if you cannot.
The Supreme Court Special is the name you give to a drink you have roofied.
That chick turned me down. I made her drink into a Supreme Court Special so I can Kavanaugh the fuck out of her later tonight.
When you cook meth and then go to court because of it.
Why did you go to jail?
Crystal court…
Tge act of sucking another man's dick while you're friend is waiting for you
And now I'm on my way right now sorry my buddy was telling me about court
A man that likes to play with basketball courts
MOM: "Hi"
YOU:" you're such a court man"
Beautiful but fierce like a chihuahua always there for u if u nead them when they’re in a mood leave them alone
Skye court is happy