Is when ur witch is so mangled that she can be called this. However, the person saying this literally worships the ground she walks on and loves her.
Omg Lucy is such an Old broken crippled bent wonky stupid rotten crusty witch that I would get on my hands and knees to worship her.
the telling of sad, negative or heartbreaking life experiences to make others feel sorry for you
Jesus Tash, don't start talking that shit or mother is going to come in here and wheel out the cripple.
The feeling of still having shit in your asshole after a dump, despite the fact that you whipped your ass several times. When one is shit crippled, they tend to walk funny.
"I took such a huge dump that I got shit crippled, let's just say walking to John's house was not pleasant after that..."
the double d's become slightly lower than usual. like grandma's.
she's got some crippled nipples
Someone, anyone really: *pointing at me* Man, that little gremlin definitely has a case of crippling depression. I almost feel sorry for it.
when you dont want to ice skate anymore because your too sad
mary ( ur preschcool frend) - HEy JOHANNA do you want to go Ice SKATING! today?
JOHANNA- no fuck off mary i have crippling depression you two faced cow headed ugly lookin annoying fuckin bastard that no one likes dont ever talk to me again you bitch, i only talk to u when we're in preschool UGH!
One of the most extreme forms of depression. It gives you extreme anorexia and immobilizes you so you’re stuck crying forever
Muse A: dude, remember when PETA killed that Chihuahua
Muse B: yeah, Cynthia became lethargic and got extremely crippling depression