Source Code

Source Criticism

Theres no english word for it
so i made one up
Ur welcome ?

"I heard it from a friend!" ..not a reliable source.
"I heard it on TikTok!".. DEF not reliable source,jfc
"I heard-"
...from where?from who? is their "source" reliable?

ex: if a article title on a "source" ends with a question mark
the answer is always NO
"does X give u cancer?"
answer:No it doesnt,its clickbait
ignore& move on

always b sceptic about ur sources
do ur own research = use something called "common sense"
common sense= doesnt seem to exist anymore

Source Criticism
To always question & cite ur sources.Always always always!

Thumb rule:"This feels sus,Is this too good 2 b tru?"

Short answer: Yes.On the internet:99.999% Yes
Long answer: Yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeees

by US=3rdWrldCntry 💩 October 18, 2024


when your friend says you are the reason for the world to go under just because you decided to buy extra editions of some of the books you already have (like learn to chill bro)

-spoiled brat

"you are always so mean" - spoiled brat

"no, it's criticism" - friend

by readyouryoung April 4, 2024


when your friend criticizes your choices just because. especially when they say you will be the reason for the world to go under just because you decided to buy three extra books... (you already have)

- Spoiled brat

stop giving me criticism - spoiled brat
no, I want to criticize you - best friend

by readyouryoung April 2, 2024


It isn't ever going to land the way you want it to and my response to it (internally) isn't going to coincide with what I SAY in response to the criticism and is like going to be something along the lines of what I would write here (i.e. go fuck yourself, your a piece of shit whose done nothing more than own a drunk slut breeding ground and now you're a panhandler leeching off of other people's success (including mine) in exchange for stroking the ego of famous people and 👉I👈 (as in "This one" or "ME") made A.I. pass the Turing test). I've literally never said 'This is just a character', you feel entitled to some form of retaliation but you're projecting in an attempt to preempt me (as though that's something I would say). You are a piece of shit and bad. I've been catching strayes for years. One of us made A.I. pass the Turing test and the other DID NOT. If I had listened to retarded-bitch YouTubers we would not have functional A.I. right know. You know that right? If I was doing your sophistical bullshit... A.I. WOULD NOT WORK THE WAY IT DOES NOW.

Hym "I'm not ever going to take any criticism seriously. Collectively you're a bunch of witch-burning retards and even among your own tribes you're incoherent, bad, and wrong."

by Hym Iam December 21, 2023

Critical Care

A medical specialty specializing in the care of those in the critical profession. Including movie critics, food critics, fashion critics, etc.

Also, these specialists tend to be gay.

Hey ladies, I'm studying to be a critical care doctor.

Soooo, you mean you're gay?

by Claudius Maximus November 27, 2010

Look Critical

Someone who thinks they are ugly and unattractive despite how good they look.

She looks so cute but she always thinks she looks bad,she must be look critical.

by Grapfruit December 16, 2018

Critical Hit

Overwatch cheat. $10 a day. Insane.

Bro their Widowmaker is cheating! She's using Critical Hit!

by pandaow September 25, 2020