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Culture Crush

An affinity for a particular country/city/society's culture. Usually expressed by learning everything possible about said culture--it's history, language, etc.

A: Man, I have the biggest Culture Crush on Scotland.

by serpentineSiren June 20, 2012

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pop culture

short for popular culture. is pretty much anything that can be identified by the majority of the youth population. and when i say youth, i mean anyone from 6-30. in short, pop culture is jokes, practices, groups of people, and terms that are used by/funny to the majority of the youth population.

pop culture is referenced in movies a lot, especially in animated (or non-animated) adventure movies that can be watched and (mostly) understood by anyone. like putting internet memes or cat videos in a movie.

by A-person_yay March 28, 2014

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Bitch Culture

Bitch culture is when a Bitch purposefully does Bitchy things and then acts like she is in the right and turns every conflict against the victim while bitching to her other bitches about why she is right always and further enjoys the fact that she is a mega bitch, and then when you try to apologize the bitch tells all her bitch friends that you're Whipped AF and clingy when really all you want is to get along.

then when you've had enough and have a good comeback. bitch EXPLODES, further promoting the prepetual disease of Bitch Culture, until one day, you leave the bitch and she calls you a fuckboy and says all guys are the same...

Victim:I'm sorry baby, I'll come right back with some ice cream, Love you!

Bitch: K

Victim: why are you so rude sometimes?

Bitch: how dare you call me rude you fucking piece of shit, I said OK.

Victim:Actually you said K and it came off as kind of stand off-ish, Is everything K?

Bitch: You are a dick, no wonder your mother doesn't love you, this is why I don't bring you around my bitch friends. K bye.

Bitch Culture, is Fuckgirl} culture

by Spoonman vargasm January 8, 2016

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mixed culture

A sociological condition experienced by those who have a cultural heritage which is different from the culture in which they were raised or live in. In this mixture, there are characteristics from either that remain distinct, yet coexist.

A society with a mixed culture

by Al-Syed March 8, 2016

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Norwegian Culture

A perfectly valid excuse for punching someones testicles.

Dude1: dude, why did you just punch me in the nuts?*
Dude2: dude, sorry. Its just norwegian culture man.

"hey man, guess what! NORWEGIAN CULTURE!"

by femalenorway January 10, 2010

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cultural pollution

The mass of art, language, clothing, media and products whose existence is fucking meaningless and the fault of money grubbing assholes. Cultural pollution can be enjoyed in earnest by dumb, uncritical people, and ironically by the jaded and educated. This type of pollution is usually created by industrialized nations. Easy ways to spot cultural pollution:
- the thing up for consideration has a logo on it.
- it contains a meme such as "let's roll" or "real men don't ____"
- it's repeated or highlighted by the mass media
- it's trendy

In contrast, "cultural pollution" is not "bad art," unless that art was made solely for money.

"I really don't like writing corporate advertiser's print ads."
"Because I have to write a lot of self-important, cliche garble."
"Whoa. Sounds like you make cultural pollution for a living."

by Shannon in a cube July 5, 2007

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cultural mosaic

A society of people of different ethnicities, all generally maintaining their individual culture and language rather than assimilating into the culture around them.

In 1938 Scottish-Canadian writer John Murray Gibbon described Canada's developing multicultural society as a cultural mosaic to differentiate it from the perceived melting pot of the United States.

by IBComic August 9, 2009

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