dengel pidichu soothu
a person who wants to suck your soul away with chemistry
oh no dps has come sing jeho or become the one molerat
Ugly female who thinks they are a dime.
“Bro she’s so chill tho, let’s hang with her”
“Alas, what a shame- she suffers from DPS”
DPS is another word for dicks per second and how many a girl can fit up her stuff in one second.
Oh wow Angel got a great DPS of 3. (in the butt, mouth, and pssy)
dps either means 1. dick pics or dog pics depending on the conversation
Double Penetration Syndrome
Someone addicted to Double Penetration. Typically WoW players.
Wow, that person has some mad DPS.
When a dick pic is so good that it is referred as a dude perfect dick pic
Person 1: hey can you send me your best dick pic?
Person 2: sure
Person 1: omg poggers dude it's a dp dp