The City area of Columbia, South Carolina (south crack), not the county.
I rep da 2nd District, but Im from da Met tho.
When your German friend is a total cunt
Hans , you are being das cunt.
The sexual act of ejaculating semen into ones hand as to make a bowl of paint then painting your partners face with said semen
She was a freak, I gave her the da Vinci last night. It was a work of art
1. n: really though.
2. n: frillz
3. n: fa shizzle
That hoe right thurr gots an adericious booty, on da realz.
No bi da, oversatt til "nå blir det" er slang i Nord-Norge som brukes når noe spennende skjer.
(På vei inn til en ny og spennende film på kino)
"Å fy faen no bi da"
when u eat too much and u get tired and cant do nothin but sleep.
say for instance you just ate some fried chicken and rice from the chinese spot. ya friends call you up like lets go out. but damn u just ate all that food and u now your tired. you tell your friends maybe in a half i got da itus.
pronounced. I-tus
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