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Shane Dawson

He is a awesome youtuber that sounds and looks like a pig in his vids.He πŸ’• others and hates most healthy food everybody should vote him for president

Shane Dawson Said YASSSSS QUEEEEN πŸ‘‘

by Mynameisthepupperofdogoo June 2, 2018

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Dawson Creeking

Spending way too long discussing something that can be solved in one or two short sentences; getting your head pecked by a bird

Mini was Dawson Creeking G for 2 hours last night because he said she hadn't changed.....

by paulo d'badger February 29, 2012

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Shane Dawson

A Pedophile who made iconic songs

You are SO Shane Dawson.

by Kyledoscope August 9, 2020

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Shane dawson

When you cum onto your cat

Bruh my cat gave me them "fuck me eyes" while i was jerkin it so i shane dawson'd all over her

by Hemda April 7, 2020

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Shane Dawson

known for his conspiracy theories, and possibly having sexual intercourse with his cat

"I like Shane Dawson's Conspiracy theories"

by grayjoycon March 29, 2019

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wade dawson

the only white guy that can pass for a black guy with a average size dick but uses it like a master a pro with the ladys and has a nice body and is a phenomenal sport player any sport you let him play he'll own it

person 1: hey look at that guy over there

person 2: wow his perfect

person 1: must be a wade dawson

by jack panam January 13, 2013

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Ashleigh Dawson

Literally the peak of humanity, Ashleigh is the best of the best and always there for you. Legit Perfect.

Hey look, its Ashleigh Dawson!! She’s so Perfect.

by Gh475828 July 31, 2020

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