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Demon Democrat

What is a DEMON DEMOCRAT? It’s someone who associates themselves with the Democrat party who is evil. They are absolutely demonic. And you also can not peacefully talk to them about your opinions. They want to destroy everything in the cities, steal, and hate anything that doesn’t match their opinions & etc. You are labeled a racist or insulted in some other type of way, if they don’t want to listen to facts presented to them. They censor any ACTUAL facts online given to them in order to keep people from voting against them. I have tried to show lots of proof of the truth to people, but have been censored lots of times, because they claim it’s false information, which is not, 100% facts. Those are Demon Democrats, or as I like to call them DEMONCRATS. If you speak the truth to them, they report you online for harassment or something else. The DEMONCRATS are great at typing things online, but when you actually get in their face (kind of like how a drill instructor gets in your face), they are like frightened sheep. I can talk to regular Democrats peacefully about my opinions, and I can argue my opinions peacefully, but I can’t talk to DEMONCRATS. They are absolutely EVIL.

Person #1: Did you see the news last night? The Democrats destroyed that city.

Person #2: That’s what I call DEMONCRATS. Regular Democrats can talk to you peacefully, even if you have Republican views, these DEMONCRATS can’t talk to you peacefully at all. DEMONCRATS will destroy everything, steal, and hate.

Person #1 Lol That’s funny!

Definition: (What is a DEMON DEMOCRAT? It’s someone who associates themselves with the Democrat party who is evil. They are absolutely demonic. And you also can not peacefully talk to them about your opinions. They want to destroy everything in the cities, steal, and hate anything that doesn’t match their opinions & etc. You are labeled a racist or insulted in some other type of way, if they don’t want to listen to facts presented to them. They censor any ACTUAL facts online given to them in order to keep people from voting against them. I have tried to show lots of proof of the truth to people, but have been censored lots of times, because they claim it’s false information, which is not, 100% facts. Those are Demon Democrats, or as I like to call them DEMONCRATS. If you speak the truth to them, they report you online for harassment or something else. I can talk to regular Democrats peacefully about my opinions, and I can argue my opinions peacefully, but I can’t talk to DEMONCRATS. They are absolutely EVIL.)

by Muslim_GOP_Lady October 10, 2021

106👍 1👎

buttfucking Democrat

Largely self-explanatory. A buttfucking democrat is a wildly liberal individual, who may, in many cases, actually engage in sodomistic acts. Buttfucking Democrats usually infest large cities where they spread diseases such as syphilis and genital warts to other buttfucking Democrats.

Rush Limbaugh: So, caller, what do you think of Obama?

Caller: He's a buttfucking Democrat.

by jj1221 October 22, 2009

694👍 140👎

Democratic conservatism

Democratic conservatism is characterized by a set of values and beliefs that is distinct from liberalism such as an emphasis on small government, moralism, and individualism. In contrast to classical liberalism, conservatism emphasizes the rule of law, traditional social and moral standards, and respect for authority. It also holds that society should be regulated to preserve the traditional order. In the United States, Democratic conservatism is an ideology that is mostly associated with the Republican Party, though it has a history in the Democratic Party their views on foreign policy, social issues, and military affairs have been criticized. Modern Democratic conservatism believes that religion, civil rights, traditional family values, and free markets should be supported, but that government should be limited, and the federal government should be restructured to be more efficient. They hijacked the Republican Party after the 1990s and began to use the Republican Party to promote their ideology which was the opposition to liberal policies such as abortion, gun control, gay rights, and environmentalism. In other words, they are the Dixiecrats of the 21st century.

Democratic conservatism in the United States is the main reason why Republicans are accused of racism and homophobia.

by Doctor WTF November 15, 2022

2👍 22👎

Make A Democrat

Reference to taking a shit, as a turd and a Democrat are one and the same.

Man I gotta make a democrat....I'll be back it 20 minutes.

by Rev Sharpton November 26, 2020

110👍 2👎

Democrat privilege

When a democrat gets away with shady illegal matters due to being democrat, this can also include democrat citizens. This privilege may also allow democrats to have illegal matters be unfairly censored or removed from social media platforms to protect the democrat's reputation.

due to not having Democrat privilege republicans were denied access to practicing their 1st amendment meanwhile BLM and Antifa were allowed to practice their 1st amendment in large congregations while intentionally rioting "peacefully" causing thousands of buildings to burn, and hundreds of people/police to get injured while simultaneously robbing store's merchandise.

due to Democrat privilege, Hillary Clinton never got charged for her email server which was used to illegally send uranium to Ukraine.

due to Democrat privilege, Andrew Cuomo was never charged for thousands of deaths from his intentional mismanagement of nursing homes.

by MythicalPear November 15, 2020

116👍 1👎

Democratic Socialism

An anti-capitalist political ideology advocating for socially owned economy (socialism).

Frequently mistaken for social democracy which advocates for economic and social justice but is not anti-capitalist.

Bernie Sanders DOES NOT advocate for democratic socialism, he's a social democrat.

by restinpiece August 28, 2020

177👍 19👎

Hitler Democrat

The 21st century version of a "Yellow dog Democrat". The term came about following the election of Donald Trump, when left-wingers began proclaiming that they would vote for Adolf Hitler if he ran against Trump in the following election (despite the fact that Trump apparently IS Hitler). This admission that they would happily vote for Hitler so long as he ran as a Democrat led people to 'update' the term "Yellow dog Democrat" to reflect the current state of American (or, more specifically, left-wing) politics.

Person A: I would vote for a Hitler/Biden ticket if it means getting Trump out of office!

Person B: Do you even hear yourself, you idiotic Hitler Democrat.

by Saudades October 10, 2020