DIO, is from a Anime called Jojo's Bizarre Adventure. He's also the antagonist of show including Part 1 and Part 3.
He's abilities are being a Vampire because he had held the property of the mask (Part 1) , and having a Stand (Part 3)
A Stand is an entity psychically generated by its owner, referred to as a Stand User (スタンド使い, Sutando Tsukai). It generally presents itself as a figure hovering over or near the user and possesses abilities beyond that of an ordinary human, which, depending on the Stand User, can be wielded for good or evil.
A swear that literally means something similar to pimp God but puttanoide isn't a real word so
It gives a demential sense to the swear
Dio puttanoide....mi sono cadute le chiavi nel tombino
Jesus Christ but it’s Dio from Jojo.
Friend: “So do you believe in Jesus Christ?”
Me: “No. I believe in Dio Christ.” (KONO DIO DA)
dio ladro is similar at many kinds of blaspheme terms used in the Italian language. This expression is expecially used by aged people, when something doesn't go as planned.
"dovevi essere qui un'ora fà dio ladro!" "oggi capitano tutte a me, dio ladro!
Classic italian exclamation tipically used by the people of Viterbo (viterbesi)
Passami la canna, dio malandrino!
Pass me the joint, god rogue!
A phrase that Domingo Ayala yells out whenever he feels pain or after he’s taken a swing during BP
(Domingo falls off bike) “Ay dios mio coño”
Dio negro is an Italian expression used when dealing with a difficult task or situation. It litteraly means "Nigger God".
Ma dove cazzo stiamo Dio Negro (Where the fuck did we end up Nigger God)
Che poppe Dio Negro (What a pair of tits Nigger God)
Entra nel bus Dio Negro! (Get on the bus Nigger God)
Sei proprio un coglione Dio Negro (You really are a moron Nigger God)