Source Code

Dummy Pegging

When someone "spits their dummy out", you catch the metaphorical dummy and peg them with it. Saying " you need to pick you dummy back up before I peg you with it"!

" if you spit your dummy out I'll peg you with it"

"Calm down or I'll peg you with that dummy you've spat out"

"Do you want dummy pegging"?!

by The little brat March 29, 2023

Dummy Pig

1. An 11 year old kid that looks close to the kid that was trolled by ShotGunRaids. Also plays GD and gives up one levels at 70-80%

2. A nerd

3. A person that looks similar to Peppa pig and needs hair cream

The Dummy Pig ate bacon

by Jerico Grim January 15, 2020

Dummy Pain

When you act dumb in response to pain.

“Hey you’ve been talking nonsense all day, are you having dummy pains again?”

by TheCulture January 5, 2019

Dummy extra

Meaning hella extra. Unnecessary behavior, doing to much, overly dramatic

I was taking a Snapchat video and my mom was in the back ground screaming at me, the way she was screaming was dummy extra

by Mac Balenciaga January 5, 2019

dummy weak

When something is fucking dumb but still funny but like not like laughing funny or just got you a little shook.

Person A- *starts dancing like a fool and being messy *

Person B- "Bitch you got me dummy weak "

by danielJ43085 November 23, 2017

smart dummy

A person that is smart and intelligent but going about doing things the wrong way

You are a smart dummy the way you just explain that to me . Or that was a smart dummy thing you just did right there's few minutes ago.

by Old Ancient Divine barrier January 20, 2020

dummy boy


shut up dummy boy

by Ziiar May 5, 2019

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