When the hair in a man's (or woman's) ear becomes so coarse and bountiful, that it resembles a normal facial beard. It needs constant grooming and trimming.
Praful's ear beard has gotten so out of control that you can no longer see his ear, only the hair that covers it. Praful shaves it monthly, but his ear beard 5 o'clock shadow is apparent by the next day.
When your friend pretends not to hear you and starts talking to someone else, even though they can totally hear you.
Duda is totally giving us deaf ear.
A type of cancer that is caused by listening to nicks music.
I lost my hearing because I contracted ear cancer from listening to nicks playlist
The ability to hear good news or encouragement when nothing of the kind is actually said within ear shot or outside it.
Sheila said that Doug is really into her based upon her conversation with him yesterday. I spoke with Doug and he said "No way". So, Sheila really just has happy ears and hears what she wants to hear....
When someone is listen too another conversation that they are not involved.
Look at you over there ear hustling.
That really good feeling you get in your ears when you listen to awesome music.
OMG I was listening to School Boy Humor yesterday and I got an ear orgy.