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Too many wardens, not enough fires

Too many people trying to control a situation when it is in fact quite small.
A less racist alternative to 'too many chiefs not enough indians'

Worker 1: Dave told me I should be assembling the bricks this way, but Brett said they were meant to be placed this way

Worker 2: too many Wardens, not enough fires

by BPuddin June 19, 2021

this town aint big enough for the both of us

when u need to shoot down ur homie because the town just aint big enough

PERSON 1: this town aint big enough for the both of us, pardner
PERSON 2: (gets shot)

by madokamagicafan069 May 18, 2023

Not fucking patriotic enough

You're so horrible at your job you don't deserve your government position.

Alejandro Mayorkas is not fucking patriotic enough.

by Sexydimma October 1, 2023