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Feminism: The belief of equal rights for men and woman
Radical Feminism: the belief of world domination and supiority of women

"I consider myself a feminist, you know, belief in equal rights for men and women."
"That's so cute!"
"Are you saying that feminism is just 'cute'?! You know, it's people like you that make women feel oppressed. Women should have rights, regardless of what's downstairs."
"Wtf did I do?" *Slowly backs away*

by Lessinclinedtodea December 17, 2017

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Feminism is aboutmaking women and men the same. It is not about maling men less. Most of people lie about what feminism is because they are dumb.

Feminism is abput being equal.

by Womenarebetter November 30, 2018

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A movement started for equality of women which turned into a man hating, female supremacy movement.

I am a man-hater and I support feminism

by Godkinggod November 28, 2020

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A large group of both men and women that fight for equality for both men and women. Can be conceived by ignorant people as man-hating. All feminists want is for everyone to be able to walk outside feeling accepted and loved no matter their gender, race, or sexuality. People sometimes fail to understand that the โ€œradical feministsโ€ or โ€œfemi-nazisโ€ are not actually feminists even if they say they are. A feminist is someone who fights for every single person, including men, white people, and straight people.

Feminists: We just want everyone to feel loved

Non-feminists: Ugh what a femi-nazi. They all think that women are better than men. Feminism needs to die.

Feminists: ...what?

*** Also on a side note I saw someone say that men should create an opposing group called menimists, and I canโ€™t believe that people are just so ignorant. ***

by Blaheiejrisjeirriej September 8, 2019

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Person #1: what's wrong with Judy? Does she have brain cancer?
Person#2: no she became a feminist

Person#1: oh yeah, I get feminism and cancer mixed up sometimes

by Frogcoo March 19, 2017

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A mental illness that affects only women.

My mom is supporting feminism. Is that a bad thing?

by M.Ducky January 13, 2017

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A umbrella term used to define a huge range of idea's around women's rights. The belief that misogyny (the hatred of women) is wrong.

If you look at the other definitions of this word that are written by misogynists, you may see why feminism is so important.

by reprieve11 April 17, 2010

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