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Another word for sex

Word that people say if in pain or mad

I'm so fucked ๐Ÿ˜’
Fuck that hurt!
Do you wanna fuck?

by gabby solis April 1, 2015

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What you say as soon as the internet goes out

*Internet goes out* Fuck

by The Actual Meaning Of A Word J October 7, 2019

Fuck it is

A Baltimore slang used to greet others

โ€œFuck it is dummyโ€

I aint see you in a min but Fuck it is

by boe.G3 October 2, 2020

in as fuck

Thou term "in as fuck" originates from thy Redcar origins - particularly TS10, relating to the matter of grafting. To be "in as fuck" insinuates that grafting has being accomplished and one has now grafted therefore one is "in as fuck" with thou partner.

Haha boys I'm "in as fuckkkk"

by Door connoisseur January 19, 2018

The Fuck

1. Added in the middle of a sentence to intensify it. Similar to your ass and the hell

2. Short for asking "what the fuck?" which that itself is a product of what was said above.

1. Get the fuck out, shut the fuck up, wake the fuck up, run the fuck away, hook me the fuck up, ect.

2. "The fuck are you talking about?"

by FearMyAlmightyDickhole April 5, 2014


to have sex

i fucked you up the ass

by Laura Anne Flynn January 7, 2009

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by BITCH NAW January 17, 2015

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