Source Code

Gen X

Middle Aged Obosolete Neanadathals who think they are still young (born between 1965-1980)

Gen X-er: No im not too old to go To the Night Club

Younger Person: Urr Grandpa the Bingo Hall is that Way
Gen X-er: I was born in 1965
Youger Person: Yep thats nearly 60 years ago beat it gramps!

by Trixilater October 8, 2021

16๐Ÿ‘ 63๐Ÿ‘Ž

Gen Z

Male or Female (ops, someone got offended) borned between 1993-2009. Basicly all kids borned between (2005-2009) are anoying and need to be educated

Millenials: "Gen Z are so depressed and annoying"
Gen Z: "Ok Boomer"

by genzbhtimcool June 15, 2020

7๐Ÿ‘ 26๐Ÿ‘Ž

Gen Z

A laughable version of a millennial. Also called Zoomers because of the CV.

Millennial: I should just die...my life is over...
Gen Z: i should just die my life is over lol

by FutureDiaryAyano November 3, 2020

3๐Ÿ‘ 6๐Ÿ‘Ž


The generation of individuals who have never lived in a world where people didn't use phone text messaging to communicate with others. Short for Generation LOL.

Oh, the new guy Holden? He's just one of the Gen LOLs who they are bringing in to take our jobs for 1/2 the pay.

by dowhat October 29, 2010

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Gen Z

dumbasses that use twitter

hey its a Gen Z kid he is screaming at this kid for having a good point

by abl6 January 5, 2022

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new gen

A person who started lob gaming in 2020-2021. 95% of them are cringe and annoying while there is a 5% that we respect which includes (Fish, Fluffy, Saucy, etc.)

Hey! {og lob gamer
OMG WHOS BILLERBRINE? {new gen lob gamer}
Oh my god are you dumb. {og lob gamer}
OOO I CAUGHT FLOOR DEATH {new gen lob gamer}

by sebascartaya April 28, 2021

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Gen Zalpha

A term used by people technically born in Gen Alpha, but want to be cool and part of Gen Z since they are born close to then. No one will accept them as Gen Z, so they have coined the term, Zalpha, which they say is both, but really just Gen Alpha.

Pruitt: Hey Jenna, what Generation were you born in?
Jenna: Gen Zalpha
Pruitt: So Gen Alpha?

by Shinda Srgh August 1, 2023

9๐Ÿ‘ 48๐Ÿ‘Ž