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Dion Gibson

Dion Gibson is sexy with big balls
And is loyal af

You will love a Dion Gibson (lowkey)

Dion Gibson sexy boi

by Dion2707 April 23, 2019

Mel Gibsoning

The act of running at someone or something and stabbing it at an upward angle with an object not meant to be a spear.

Movies have a lot of examples of Mel Gibsoning, like originally in the Patriot when Mel Gibson stabbed a red coat with a flag pole

by Mel Gibson Enthusiast 420 December 12, 2020

Rielyn gibson

dumb bitch that’s uses “lol” and “lmao” to much . and doesn’t know how to dye her hair correctly .

“that girl rielyn gibson is so dumb i stg!”

by whore111 January 24, 2020


When a friend constantly agrees to things but backs out at the last minute

I got Timmy a job where I work and on the 3rd day he gibsoned us.

by Camtoons December 5, 2023


someone being incredibly unlucky, super suckage

"I've been totally gibsoned this month"

"man that's gibsoned"

by dinosaurus8 February 3, 2010


When a friend gives you something thinking they are being helpful and selfless. But, in the end, it makes your life more complicated and frustrating.

My friend Danny Gibsoned me. He drove across town during a rainstorm to give me tarps to protect a leaking hole in my roof that I had plywood on that had slowed the leak. I took the plywood off at great risk to my own life and put up the tarps. And all the tarps had holes in them and he admitted he forgot about that.

by thedreadednightmonkey May 29, 2021

krystal gibson

krystal is THE BOMB. COM!!

she's beautiful smart pretty and if ur lucky enough for her to like u then u should be honored and great full she's in ur life

Krystal Gibson your one of those girls that if wife if I didn't like Dick so much lol

by love alyvia August 14, 2018