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Montana Horrors RP

a roblox rp game that is filled with the shittiest rps ever (like 85 percent is shit)

dude 1: yo dude have u ever played Montana horrors rp

dude 2: yeah man! jake/hot/cool/demon/angel/god/powerful plays that game!

by Randomdude1223 July 17, 2023

maggoty blue horrors

When you shit your self when you drunk

That's when your in the "maggoty blue horrors"

Look at that chap down the ally ,, yah that chaps in the maggotys "maggoty blue horrors"

by Paveeee September 15, 2017

Pop Horror

Pop-horror is an internet aesthetic and artistic movement that blends elements of bubblegum pop, YA, and pastel/soft aesthetics with horror.

Although the broad parameters of "pop-horror" may encapsulate many works of film, music, and literature throughout the ages, pop-horror is mainly thought of as a contemporary, online phenomenon. The term "pop-horror" was first coined by the internet artist's collective Count the Clock.

The common "pop" elements used by pop-horror include pastel colors (especially pink and blue), high-school iconography (cheerleaders, prom queens), and the use of bubblegum pop music. The "horror" elements commonly employed include gore and stylized violence, as well as psychological themes such as paranoia and the uncanny.

"Pop horror made me do it!"

by ilovelucy222 September 5, 2021

roblox horror experiences

A "sub-genre" of Roblox Horror Story Games that are cheap knock-offs of a game called "The Night-Shift Experience". They're most commonly known for having a thumbnail of a man crying blood out of his empty, dark eye sockets whilst wearing something and/or being in some place that relates to the experience.

Person 1: Bro, Roblox horror experiences are so trash!
Person 2: I know, right? They're so boring and they're everything but scary.
Person 1: Honestly, I prefer NEED MORE games.
Person 2: Bro, what the fuck?

by Sonic Feet Pic Lover February 16, 2024

horror king

Originally a term used in horror and slasher films/series to describe the leading man. Jared Padalecki has quite a cult following for his horror genre, he starred in both films and 15 years of cult show which got him a loyal fandom.

say what you want about this movie but horror king’ tits looked phenomenal

by Claymillersgirl October 17, 2022


A He or She that tells scary stories

I'm a spooky Horror-teller

by July 6, 2023

Post Horror Cartoons

The only thing you want to watch after a scary horror movie. (e.g. Dora the explorer)

After watching that scary movie last night I binge watched Post Horror Cartoons for the next 4 hours.

by Onlytruefacts1 February 5, 2017