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Someone who has a big head and is full of themselves. Someone who also CHEATS on their girlfriends who they supposedly love and act like it's not a big deal. Someone who doesn't learn from their mistakes and messes with girls' heads and is ALL about sex. Who doesn't realize that he's not the center of the universe and not everything revolves around him. Who doesn't really have as big of a dick as he claims to have..

Wow who was that douche bag that did that to her? Must've been a Blake. Let's go kick him in the nuts.

by whitney3209 March 3, 2010

16๐Ÿ‘ 56๐Ÿ‘Ž


1. An overzealous doucher with a knack for almost nothing in life. Blake can be found at your local beach pretending to surf and giving random guys "the nod." In his free time he loves to read books and watch pornographic films that contain only male characters. Also has MILF-like mother who loves to give his friends dirty looks and wear scantily clad clothing in their presence. Blake's nickname (Blakeus Arealius) is also oxymoronic as he is rated one of the most unreal people alive. May also be diagnosed with a slight degree of down-syndrome.

2. See also Douche Bag

Synonyms: Tool, Ass, Homo

Antonyms: Chill, Scott, Super

Kelsey: My boyfriend Blake is so cool!!
Megan: Oh thats your boyfriend? I thought you were just getting some community service hours?
Blake: Blawoahahuag!!!!

by ScottWho? November 20, 2009

21๐Ÿ‘ 79๐Ÿ‘Ž


a real dick head, has no fucking life and cant get any

Damn look at that blake over there reading a book.
Look at that blake who thinks hes a legit pimp,dick.

by ohh hellyeah December 29, 2010

21๐Ÿ‘ 83๐Ÿ‘Ž


- Blake it:

To Blake something is to monumentally destroy something in a fashion that only Blake Wood could.

Anecdotal example- If one were to break their car key in the ignition-one could say "He Blaked it!"

-To Blake something can also be a minor inconvenience you cause to a group of people. Eg. Inviting everyone to a weekend getaway, running out of phone battery, and sending everyone to the complete wrong address. "You Blaked it! You fuck."
* there are numerous ways in which a person can "Blake it", please consider adding your own tales of Blaking stuff.

by Blakefan December 17, 2013

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He loves to masturbate but can't find his dick between his legs

Blake's an idiot!

by PoePoeDaPro November 19, 2019

1๐Ÿ‘ 2๐Ÿ‘Ž


Someone who ignores you when they're around more 'popular' people.

Someone who only talks to you when they need something.

Someone who ignores you when they're in a group of people.

Someone who tells you they can't hangout, but they hangout with someone else instead.

Someone who never invites you to anything, unless they can't find anyone else to go.

Someone who, without a reason, gossip about you and make fun of you, but say that it was just a joke.

Someone who doesn't answer your texts when you ask them important questions.

Someone who fake laughs when they talk to you.

Someone who tells secrets to another friend, but doesn't tell them to you.

Most of all, someone who does these things, but then when it's just you two, they pretend like nothing's changed. Then they want you to act the same around them, and whether they realize what they do or not, they won't apologize.

My Friend Blake is Fake!

by TheRichAsian May 4, 2018

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A Guy who works with secret orgnizations and may be harm to others

Blake works for Mcdonalds

by Karemm March 19, 2018

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