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Acronym for 'Lots of love'.

Johnny: my uncle just died

Lana: LOL

by miragexl November 13, 2022


Laughing out loud

"That video was really funny! LOL"

by AmazingAida February 21, 2015


Slang for 'laugh out loud'.
Used in texting.

Some person: "OMG! This is the most hilarious video on the Internet!"

Other person: "LOL!"

by Lolatron5000 September 25, 2015


Lol is the slang for lots of laughter or laughing used in converstion like these

Person1:Did you see person9 fall of that stair

by lusti November 13, 2016


A word that stupid teenagers use to cover up the stupidity of what they just said or did

"Haha, I said lol."

by Broodythebro@bro.bro November 1, 2015


Lol mean Laughing out Load

Bob: why did the banana go to the doctor?

Jesse: why?

Bob: Because it wasn't Peeling well! (͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Jesse: LOL

Bob: why did the banana go to the doctor?

Jesse: why?

Bob: Because it wasn't Peeling well! (͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Jesse: LOL

by Thatguywhostalksyouatnight December 21, 2016


an acronym for laugh out loud or lots of laughs or lots of love is a popular element of Internet slang. It was first used almost exclusively on Usenet, but has since become widespread in other forms of computer-mediated communication and even face-to-face communication.

LOL is used mostly in the closing of a paragraph .... like, Yours Truly was used by your grandmother.

by wrihar November 6, 2015