A character type of the internet world who is widely and democratically accepted as the laughing stock of a forum.
"What's that? SQUAWK!? You're such a pet parrot."
A person who is a goody two shoes and suck up to their teacher.
"Oh Miss, you have so much marking to do!" - Liyana S (Teacher's pet) said in a monotone voice
There are many types of teachers pets.
1. The kind who tells the teacher every little thing someone does.
2. The kind who waits for the teacher to get onto them, and then they get onto them too.
3. The kind who acts like the teacher is a god and brings the teacher gifts.
The third one is only good for a fun teacher, like Coach Bass, everyone who knows him likes him. Even the kids who get in trouble.
The teachers pet told on Joe-Bob today because he found a pencil on the ground and took it for his own.
A bull is an intact (i.e., not castrated) adult male of the species Bos taurus (cattle).
A pet is an animal kept primarily for a person's company, protection, or entertainment.
A pet bull is an adult male cow that is treated like a traditional pet (i.e., dogs)
I think Mary's pet bull is too dangerous to be around the kids.
Actions involved with appraising "the goods" of the men & ladies of the night.
Hey, hands off! Pimp C says no street petting!
A pet tiger is a well behaved scally (most of the time), however there are occasions where he may kick off and therefore you cannot relax in their company.
Don't annoy the pet tiger in the corner he is liable to kick off
A pet that you feel was destined to be yours.
A pet that you feel a strong connection with and is the one pet you will never forget out of any other animal or pet you’ve owned.
This is my soul pet “Smokey”, I’ve felt a stronger mental and emotional connection with this pet than any other