When someone lies about something serious, little, or nothing at all.
Nick: “Im a good person” Corvo: “Massive Lie”
1. Something you should come up with when your lame excuse does not take expected effect;
an additional lie intended to make your original lie sound more convincing;
2. A crucial element in the chain of one's lie.
Guy: You're so special, I like you so much!
Girl: That's so sweet. What particulalrly do you like about me?
Guy (to himself): Damn! I should have come up with a backup lie before I told her that!
Teacher: Where is your homework?
Student: My dog ate it.
Teacher: Why didn't you give him the laxative?
Student: Um...
Teacher: Didn't even bother to make up any backup lie... You get an F, you, moron!
Nothing special. Maybe some political message idk.
- I mean this I'm okay
- lie to me
What most people online don't seem to fully understand, is that it is not just a fictitious reward, but also a silly, frivolous reward in the face of great risk and danger.
"Ivan told me if I broke into a Russian FSB computer, they have a Special Edition of the Urban Dictionary, with the correct definition of 'the cake is a lie!'" "Sorry Tovarish, we can't risk the chance you found out anything valuable, you must now eat this uranium yellowcake" "That kind of cake isn't for eating, it will poison me!" "Yes, well in your search for 'the cake is a lie', the cake was a lie."
when you catch someone lying
its also a park from Park jimins song "Lie"
Person 1: i totally banged Jessie yesterday
when you don't believe someone is telling the truth
Person: The party was canceled
Me: Na lie
Jordan lives a lie. I don't think he should be eradicated.
Hym "I don't see a problem with living a lie. The lie I live is that I'm a quiet and humble wage slave but the reality is I'm one of the greatest writers, comedians, thinkers of all time! Internationally famous. There are movies, songs, and television shows about me. Not humble at all. A genius. Actually, I spoke once and I'm pretty sure I saw a mountain move. Hahaha! Ok. That last one was a bit of a fib but the rest is accurate. You do seem right about the frustration thing though. Jordan does seem pretty frustrated about living a lie. He thought he was the profound one but really it was HYM! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!"