Source Code

Ralph Johnson

A Ralph Johnson is when a girl pukes while giving you head. This name was inspired by a disturbing .gif file which depicts a black woman ralphing on some guy's johnson. Hence, Ralph Johnson.

Dude, Sarah gave me a Ralph Johnson last night.

That's fucking sick, bro.

by Cuntflap McTittlewitty May 28, 2009

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Silky Johnson

A Playa Hater played by Dave Chappelle on Chappelle's Show that attends the Playa Hater's Ball. Is the Playa Hater for 2002 and 2003.

I've heard her(Kelly Osbourne) song Papa Don't Preach. I've got a song for her it's called Daughta Don't Sing- Silky Johnson

by James Bond! September 8, 2004

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Kendall Johnson

goodlooking, smart, funny, cute, loveable, talent, ill, sick, fresh, clean

That guy is so Kendall Johnson lol

by kennyboy1989 February 5, 2010

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Martin Johnson

The hot lead singer of Boys Like Girls. He is also very hott.

Me: I love Martin Johnson! He is the best person in Boys Like Girls and I wanna get his autograph and touch his arm. Then never wash that hand again.
A weird person: Jeez. Take a breath in between your words and Martin Johnson is not hott. He is U-G-LY.
Me: Repeat that. *takes out gun*

by tilatequilafan555 January 12, 2008

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Don Johnson

Miami Vice was based off of Don Johnson's sophomore year in high school.

Don Johnson's barber attempted to shave him once. After fifty razor blades and eight quarts of shaving cream, he was finally able to remove his five o'clock shadow. This was all on his 3rd birthday.

Don Johnson's good looks are able to bend space and time allowing him to exist in multiple dimensions at once. Unfortunately, Heartbeat isn't popular in any of them.

Don Johnson hates to be called Crockett.

Don Johnson's workout consists of 50 push-ups, 200 sit-ups, and sex with your mom.

The gel in Don Johnson's hair is causing the polar ice caps to melt.

Don Johnson used to bottle his sweat and sell it to single men claiming it will attract women. The product was later renamed Aqua Velva.

Princess Diana's limo swerved, not to avoid the paparazzi, but to avoid Don Johnson's blazer. Even her driver knew it was sacred and dared not run it over.

Don Johnson stole Mother Teresa's virginity. He then pawned it for cocaine.

Don Johnson's nickname for his penis was the basis for Tony The Tiger.

When he first proposed to Melanie Griffith, she said no. Let's just say it ended poorly for her and she soon changed her mind.

While using cocaine, Don Johnson recorded 4 seasons of Miami Vice in a record breaking 12 hours. He won 2 Emmy's and was voted Teacher of the Year.

The first American National Anthem was actually Heartbeat, by Don Johnson. Congress changed it after the powerful lyrics pushed the U.S. into war with Vietnam.

Don Johnson's top score in Centipede is 23,987,004, which was pretty good considering that he got that far on one quarter and three bottles of Rebel Yell.

The East Coast/West Coast Hip-Hop war officially came to an end when Don Johnson told the rappers to SHUT THE FUCK UP!!

Don Johnson doesn't wear socks with his loafers, not because it's fashionable, but because he forgets.

It was not the Grinch, but rather Don Johnson who stole Christmas.

Miami used to be cold. That is until Don Johnson moved there.

After having sex with 50 women one evening, Don Johnson had a revelation. It would later be called The Muppets.

Don Johnson's epic song, Heartbeat, went triple platinum before he even wrote it.

The Book of Genesis details the birth of Don Johnson. The Earth took God 7 days to create. It took him 12 days to create Don Johnson. 10 of those days were spent on the stubble alone and the rest were spent inventing loafers to suit his needs.

The popular movie Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom was based on a summer vacation Don Johnson took to Arizona in 1980.

When asked why he turned down the part of Marty McFly, in Back to the Future, Don Johnson replied: "I already went back in time, and unlike Marty, I had sex with my mother." Don Johnson strives fro realism.

by Super Steve Bishop August 14, 2007

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Fresh Johnson

When you are doing a girl, and then she orgasms and can't control her bowels and shits on your balls.

"Damn, she gave me the ol' Fresh Johnson." said Judea.

by Josh Burnette July 30, 2008

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jizzy johnson

One who belives they are tough and prematurely ejaculates in there pants at the first sight of a hot girl. Also believes they have friends when in real life no one likes them

Dude Ricardo is such a jizzy johnson now wonder why hes always playing video games

by iwhbyd March 19, 2008

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