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don juan

Legend has it that he slep with over a thousand different women from eight different countries, but was eventually sent to Hell for refusing to give up his lustful ways.

The modern version of a Don Juan would be a pimp or a playa.

by kid August 26, 2003

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Juan ValDEEZ

Pronounced " Juan Val-DEEZ"
Spilling the beans to the point of creating a monumental disaster. A combined reference to the Alaskan Exxon Valdez oil spill and to Juan Valdez, fictional Columbian coffee grower.

"You told Betty to her face that she was really ugly?! Holy crap, dude!... did you ever Juan ValDEEZ her!

by Juan O'Malley January 3, 2011

7๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž

juan kerr

a humerous name for a spanish wanker.
say it quickly. juan kerr. juankerr. wanker.


that spanish waiter hovering around your teenage daughter is acting like such a juan kerr

by get orff moi laaaand July 6, 2004

55๐Ÿ‘ 23๐Ÿ‘Ž

Dong Juan

Seducer of young, vulnerable women.

That guy is such a dong juan. It makes me sick.

by tsfk April 12, 2008

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Real Juan

A large volume, explosive dump; specifically after eating Mexican food.

Oh! I just dropped a real juan, boyyyyyy.

by Peter Dunbar July 21, 2014

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Don Juan

a man who is attractive to and successful with many woman (From the reputation of a Spanish Nobleman Portrayed in a Brittish Poem)

This Guy was apparently a total Don Juan because every girl who spoke to him automatically tried to ask him out.

by The Return of Light Joker September 20, 2009

77๐Ÿ‘ 38๐Ÿ‘Ž

Juan Cena

The Mexican version of the well known wrestler Juan Cena. A Juan Cena may be someone that tells many Mexican jokes, or one related to Donald Trump. Not to be confused with Quan Cena, someone who

cannot "Hit the Quan" but thinks they can.

That guy is such a Juan Cena, also a Quan Cena.

by Jiff Jifferson May 19, 2016