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Julia is a bitch

Julia is a bitch

by Rex faxis May 10, 2019

4πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž


When someones bra is showing and they need to pull up they're shirt.

"Wow Haley... Way to pull a Julia"

by MissyG January 23, 2008

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Julia is a bisexual and that is all.

Julia is bisexual

by Atnjatjatjqtjwtjwtjwt February 7, 2020

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A hoe

You see that Hoe? Oh no it's just Julia.

by claff May 10, 2019

3πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž


A complete hoe from Swedish decent. Semi decent kisser but an even worse cup pong player. Don’t let your friends around her she’ll probably bang everyone of them before you. She’s the type of girl to go to Catholic school but listen NLE Choppa and Tupac and throw up gang signs. Don’t get too close she’ll break your heart like a twig. Daughter of a milf

Person 1: Daaaamn did you see Julia today?

Person 2: Man don’t even talk about that bitch, broke my damn heart

by BigDickRick6942069 November 13, 2019

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The best friend you could ever ask for. Creative, beautiful, and loving

My friend's name is Julia.

by TheQueen17 March 7, 2018

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Usually a girl with longer or short hair that can differ between brown and blonde. Julia are very charming and love too take risks. They tend to be outgoing and independent.

It’s like one dat there your best friend and another day they start to ignore you.

But no matter what they will always be your best friend.

Person 1: β€œI keep on seeing this girl who was very outgoing”
Person 2: β€œI bet her name was Julia!”
Person 1: β€œhow did you know?”

by Anonymous Hood April 9, 2018

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