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Falmouth, KY

a ruined town in Kentucky full of heroin, crackheads and beer chugging, boot wearing yee yee’s. There’s also a rubber duck store here for some reason

There might be a lot of tweakers but at least we can get some rubber ducks in, “Falmouth, KY”!

by willyponka August 11, 2021

KY Jello

What Bill Cosby used.

Bill lubed up with the KY Jello.

by Quantos June 2, 2018

KY Politics

When a political follower lets themselves get fucked over while believing they are being treated well.

Republican Mitch McConnell has become the richest politician in the country while his state has fallen apart and become the most impoverished state in the country.

His brainwashed supporters believe he is saving them from non existent oppression from liberals, when in reality he is just fucking them over.

That's KY Politics for you.

by Davezilla July 7, 2019

k for kys

kontol people

Person A: do you know the k for kys?
Person B: yes! The kontolers!

by mastercum9000gay November 21, 2021

Ky Rhys

A very very very gay man and sucks a lot of cock

Ky Rhys is gay

by Name tbf January 6, 2019

Pulling a Ky

Having sexual intercourse; term is used to state when someone, or them selves are having sexual intercourse with another person, and not caring when and where they are having sexual intercourse.

Guy 1: "What did the neighbors do last night? I could hear them outside!"

Guy 2: "They were outside, pulling a Ky."

Guy 1: "But they don't have a picket fence up !"

Guy 2: "yup."

by Kyzore February 11, 2020

kys sir

Kiss your sister

Kys sir jasfilm

Why thank you

Die now plz

by Me is I and us January 30, 2018