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The Full Lincoln

When you have sex with a guy/girl for the full movie length of "Lincoln"

I gave her The Full Lincoln last night. Three plus hours of pounding!

by Billsack April 28, 2015

A Lincoln Move

The action of farting into someone's dick

Yeah you just pulled A Lincoln Move, there

by Basile Praestentia November 13, 2022

Lincoln tax

Lincoln tax is a word used by many cuban refugees and hispanic immigrants who lived in hudson county nj. Because of the proximity of the Lincoln tunnel (which anyone in north jersey is familiar with) they confused the term income for Lincoln in regards to income tax.

Oye compadre acabo de recibir el dinero de mi lincoln tax.

by jfajiba May 17, 2011

Lincoln School

A school in cranford new jersey for kids who insulted someone publicly thats full of annoying brats and some good kids who dont bother going

my friend got sent to Lincoln School

that must be tough for him

by maxisacunt July 1, 2022

stiff lincoln

A crisp 5 dollar bill used for hush money.

Billy gave Samantha a stiff Lincoln to keep her mouth shut. #notmetoo

by Yomommaisphat July 26, 2019

Giga lincoln

A giga Lincoln is combination of giga chad and a sigma male he is the hottest man alive and all of his friend are ugly and trash

Girl 1:I want someone hot big and super smart like a giga Lincoln but I don’t deserve him
Giga Lincoln:I know loser💀

by V1nce is king June 9, 2022

Lincolns birthday

His birthday is March 9th and it comes once a year

On Lincolns birthday we will all bend over and let Lincolns Minecraft cock fill us up with juicy white stuff

by CcOCKANDBALLTORTUuRE69 December 1, 2020