Short for munipulation teenage vermin
a brainwashing mechanism aimed towards Americas youth playing scripted reality shows and drugged up celebrity role models
What are the odds of a music station (such as MTV) playing a total of 2 hours or music a day?
12๐ 4๐
The sole reason behind the downfall of rock 'n' roll and any good music since its inception. America and the rest of the world still have yet to recover from the damage done by MTV, and probably never will.
Put simply, the antichrist of music.
12๐ 4๐
A TV channel that used to show nothing but music videos. Now devoted to "reality" TV shows. Maynard James Keenan actually convinced them that he physically found Jesus.
Guy #1: Dude, did you see the Real World on MTV last night? Brian totally banged every chick there!
Guy #2: Yea, cuz that actually happens in real life...
12๐ 4๐
A channel which said that you'll only have a good sex life if you play guitar or drums. I'm not kidding.
Where is the music on MTV?
13๐ 3๐
A sinister tele-force who is stealing our bands and selling them out. Think about it...they took Green Day first. Then it was My Chemical Romance. Fall Out Boy was the next one to go, and now they've got Avenged Sevenfold, too. Sad, very very sad.
What do these MTV people want from us??? WHAT?!
21๐ 9๐
A channel that killed a whole lot of music for the last 25 years, helping to spawn the hair metal,fake "hardcore ghetto" image,pop-punk,and emo scenes.It shouldn't even be called music television because they never play fucking videos anymore, unless you count the 1-minute clips they play on TRL.
Joe:Hey man, wanna watch some videos? I'll put MTV on.
Dave: Fuck no dude, they never play videos. And the ones they do are all puss bands screaming about their problems and all their songs have 10-word titles.
Joe:Yeah, you're right.
26๐ 12๐
A music Channel that does not Have any good music at all and they need to get ride of it!
they play music that is "Crap"!
MTV stands for Music Television and Blink 182 is not punk its white guys raping!
17๐ 7๐