1. A fungal infection of the female nether parts, which forms a distinctive, lattice-like mildew growth between the labial folds, and which smells strongly of overripe camembert cheese.
2. A general insult used in the British Isles to deride any disliked person.
I can't believe Mr. Patterson gave me an F in my assignment. What a complete and utter minge waffle!
When you’re traveling in a particularly hot country and your minge gets the stink on.
Condition worsened by the wearing of nylon or Lycra panties.
‘God I’m so hot and sweaty, I’m worried I’ve got travel minge’
A girl that won’t let you floss with her pubic hair while your eating her stinky cunt out.
1. Man, Stacie was so keen on a moustache ride but she wouldn’t let me floss with her pubes, she had a Stinge minge.
2. Dude that Puss was so good, desperately needed some Stinge Minging though.
A vagina which has been disused for some time, it's wrath is ready to be unleashed.
It should be approached with caution.
She was gagging for it, i've never seen such an angry minge.
Her minge was so angry it took my hand off.
The act of preventing a girl from getting laid by saying something or doing something that puts the other guy/girl off or distract one of them from the flirting at hand.
The female equivalent of cock block.
Similar to clam jam.
(Gemma is chatting up a guy)
Manuel: "Hey Gemma, I bought you a new toothbrush, so you don't have to use the one you dropped down the toilet anymore".
(Guy walks away)
Gemma: "Manuel, don't minge impinge me!
Damn check that group of mingers man total ming dynasty.
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