Source Code

Mississippi Hedgehog

To squat over a person's face, allowing them to witness the majestic beauty of a hedgehog emerging from it's hole before it is forcefully thrust from the hole whence it came, with a hot wave of steaming, watery Mississippi mud.

Stephen is such a nature enthusiast that he spends almost every night admiring Mississippi Hedgehogs with his friends.

by Caevanus October 17, 2014

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Mississippi Haymaker

The art in which a man ejaculates in one hand and throws the said ejaculate across the room with the intentions of entering and impregnating a loose vagina.

I.E. Hot dog, down a hallway.

It’s been so tough to get my wife pregnant, I had to throw a Mississippi Haymaker from across the room to see if it would stick…..

by Kweezysrooftop May 23, 2017

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Mississippi Leaner

When a male is masterbating while laying down, as he finishes, he leans side-ways and ejaculates on the floor instead of on himself or what he is laying on.

"I Always Mississippi lean when I finish jacking-off." or "I just pulled a Mississippi Leaner on that carpet over there."

by STEW POT November 7, 2006

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Mississippi Facial

A Mississippi Facial is when you are doing 69 with a girl standing up and right before you nut, you pull out and then quickly drop her head down under your ass and shit on her face, then pull her body up and spread the shit all over her face with your dick and balls. Then this part is optional (lay her on the ground and piss all over her face to wash the shit and cum off.) I think the name is self-explanatory

I gave Katie a Mississippi facial last week and her skin is glowing like an angel. She could use a shower though.

by thejake September 2, 2008

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Mississippi jailbreak

When you are having sex with a girl, you shit on her face so she looks like a black person, and make her run around a dark room. Meanwhile, jizz on the floor so she slips and falls on her nose, giving a black n1ggar nose...

"Damn Niggs u sho gave dat gurl a mississippi jailbreaklast night!"

by MATZ789 July 14, 2009

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The Mississippi River

When a female/male chunks the duece in a southerner's mouth.

Jackie: " Guess what? "
Southerner: " What? "
Jackie: " I'm going to give you the Mississippi River. "

by Jackie && Shelly June 24, 2006

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mississippi dustbuster

When you and your toothless cousin have anal sex and when they pull out too fast you spray shit all over their dick


by AnarchistDragon33 September 20, 2017

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