Source Code

daring mouse

When somebody sticks their fist inside a vagina and pulls it out to look around, thus being "daring"

Last night, I was trying to give the daring mouse, but my fist wouldn't fit.

by nyx August 25, 2012

Mouse balls

Its just a joke its really funny i heard a youtuber say this on yt



Mouse dies on back*

South park game action (rock paper balls)

by P0LI1 October 29, 2020

Wedding Mouse

A tampon that was thrown across the room in a fit of passion during one's wedding night only to be found a year (or more) later and mistaken for the decaying corpse of a mouse.

Uncle Smelly jumped at the sight of the wedding mouse in terror, only realizing it was their own.

by kaielforawhile March 25, 2021

Mouse Crack

Mouse Crack is the dust that emits from a natural crack in a kangaroo rat that has spent too long in a sewer. This is quality stuff which leads various species (including humans) to go to far extents to obtain this legendary item. Gimme sum of dat mouse crack. Heya boiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii u kno wut i wan so giveitomeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Go git ur own mouse crack, but this wons MIIIIIIIIIIIIINEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! U go git dis stuf from Moushek urself!

Jimmy Neutron wanted mouse crack so bad that he visited the kangaroo rat's sewer himself.

by ApricotFoxx September 2, 2019

mouse on a tramp

Spread your ballsack wide and then flop your cock up and down, like a mouse on a trampoline.

Aug dawg sat on a crusty couch in westsinster on a lonely Monday night, bouncing his mouse on a tramp.

by Aug dawg November 25, 2013

Slip of the Mouse

When, on the computer, you go to click on a file, page or button and accidentally click on the one next to it resulting in loss of work.

Example 1:
I'm really sorry I meant to press save but instead I pressed don't save, it was an honest Slip of the Mouse.
Example 2:
Damn, I made a Slip of the Mouse I meant to heal but I cast a spell, now I'm all out of mana.

by Smoffie Bluester May 25, 2009

mousey mouse

someone who is really annoying, like a mouse, and nobody likes.

Gosh Xanders being such a mousey mouse…

by TTQVT July 13, 2022