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Nova Scotia Handshake

A Nova Scotia handshake is the act of flatulating onto a seat or cushion before relinquishing the seat to another person. The purpose of a Nova Scotia handshake is to leave a more lasting impression in the mind of the recipient than a traditional handshake.

Derek: "Here Asher, take my seat."
Asher: "Gee thanks, Derek. Wow, this seat feels pretty warm!"
Derek: "That's just a Nova Scotia handshake for you!"

by mhjrehsa March 31, 2017

Nova Scotia 9

When there's nothing else better in canada and america, you get with the best looking woman in Nova Scotia. But in reality, they're an american 5

That one girl that Jester's dating is a Nova Scotia 9

by Niod July 1, 2022

Nova Southeastern University

A shitty school.

Nova Southeastern University is horrible...

by Were1 April 12, 2010

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Mineville Nova Scotia

A small, not very well-known city 10 minutes away from Dartmouth and 5 hours away from Sydney. Can be fun at times but there are no sidewalks and people dump trash in the ditch.

I currently live in the dumpy little city of Mineville Nova Scotia.

by KLC1995 November 15, 2011

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Nova Scotia Slide Bum

A physical characteristic that afflicts a disproportionate number of women in the Canadian province of Nova Scotia. Its primary quality is a flatness of the buttocks that is so extreme that the tops of the thighs appear to slide into the shoulder-blades without significant outward interruption.

He: Look, there's Bob's really cute girlfriend. She's from Halifax, Nova Scotia.
Friend: Yea, she's cute alright, but she's got Nova Scotia slide bum.
He: Yikes! Now that she's turned sideways, I see what you mean: she's got practically no ass at all!

by ring-tailed roarer September 10, 2009

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Nova Scotia Trench Coat

A Nova Scotia trench coat is where a person is in a comatose state, usually alcohol related, at which point you proceed to remove their trousers, deficate into them, and pull them back on to the original owner.

Person #1: "Hey Bill, I got black out drunk last night and someone shit my pants."
Bill: "Sound like you were the victim of the ol' Nova Scotia trench coat."

by Hunter 21 January 20, 2019

Nova Scotian Snow Blower

When a two people place nostrils (the openings) against each other. One person then blows air into the persons nose. This air can either transferred back to the first partner. Or the partner receiving it can release the air out of there mouth.

me: Bro, do you want to have a Nova Scotian Snow Blower with me?
James: Hell no! i dont want you snot in my nose!

by zspin1 July 15, 2014