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Under the ground

Meaning:in a bad situation where you want to hide in other words under the ground

Chloe was under the ground when She failed a test.

by Brittney N January 6, 2020

Grounded Teacher

Grounded teacher is colloquially for primary school teacher in Austrian English.

Bärbel is a grounded teacher in Vienna.

by Fridl April 4, 2023

Middle Ground

Something that makes you look stupid if you misuse and abuse it

Not all middle grounds are good,

Middle ground of bullshit and intellectual works is still bullshit
Middle ground of right and wrong is still wrong

by Sir. B August 29, 2021

Ground and pound

It is what one does to another person when you knock someone down our out while fighting - when they try to get back on there feet and cannot quit running there smart ass mouth. You proceed to ground and pound until they learn a life lesson.

Bill knocked Leroy out while they were fighting last night. Leroy was trying to get up on his feet but kept running his mouth. Billy then proceeded to ground and pound Leroy until he knocked him out again.

by fuckthathotass69 September 16, 2021

Ground Shagger

Rugby League players, who upon being tackled, appear to have sex with the floor

Tarquin: "Byjove, what's that man whose just been tackled doing? He look's like he's copulating with the pitch"
Will: "Yes, they call them ground shaggers for that very reason"

by Bob Union April 11, 2011

Ground sheet

1) a sheet made of water resistant material that can be lain on the ground to keep you dry

2) a military chick, most often in the army, that sleeps around with guys during field excersises

1) I laid my ground sheet down because the grass it was wet.

2) Shit, Sara is such a ground sheet. She fucked just about every guy during that week long ex.

by til880 May 18, 2010

ground twinkie

a twinkie that was found and harvested from the ground.

Henry: Does eating that ground twinkie that seem like a good idea?
William: oh bro totally im gonna have a fun trip tonight. I cant wait to eat this delicious mold-covered ground twinkie
Henry: That "trip" will cost me a $400 hospital bill- you better not.

by pupxi0 November 11, 2019