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Prime Vagine

a phrase or saying that is said when a hot girl is seen.

lad1: ahh look at that gash!
lad2: yeah, some prime vagine right there!

by numberoneLAD March 23, 2012

minos prime

a boss in the game ULTRAKILL that makes you sound insane when you talk about him.

guy1: so minos prime was almost dead, then he did his "prepare thyself" attack and i died.
guy2: what the fuck is a minos prime?

by thiswontmakesense June 4, 2023

Prime Hydration

You’ve probably heard of Prime Hydration before.. it can be a hydration drink or energy drink that KSI and Logan Paul worked on “so hard”.

Dude 1: Hey man, have u heard of this new thingy called “Prime Hydration”?
Dude 2: Yeah.
Dude 1: How does it taste?

by AQUAR1US4LIF3 February 16, 2023

1👍 1👎

Prime hydration

A drink created by youtubers KSI and Logan Paul that people will and have sold them for £150.

John: U wanna buy sum Prime hydration fam
Jim: How much bruv
John: tenner
Jim: You can fuck off for a tenner man

by Mrmiyagi69420 December 5, 2022


Idea that the closed surface areas of the plane-of-reality are a set of uncountable primes.

Q-prime is a set of primes outside the formal set of primes.

The formal set was employed by Godel to form his undecidability theorem.

It constitutes an attention-theory-of-consciousness.

by sandraxine August 19, 2020

Affirmatus Prime

adj. aE-fer-ma-tus prIm- 1. to be correct, right, or rightous in the face of a conflicting Negatron answer. 2. Opposite of Negatron.

Douchebag1: yo, bra! You pick up those Hienies, and the Preppy H?

Douchebag2: Affirmatus Prime, my Brosephism.

by Captain Flighty McWenis April 12, 2009

prime ride

when something is perfect, prime

hey you caught that wave? prime ride. straight a's? prime ride. prime ride? prime ride.

by louie pratt June 22, 2008