an abridged and streamlined form of when you are not serious and just playing with someone
when Frank seemed to be offended by my trenchant comment I gave him a nudge on the shoulder and said 'jut play.'
originally a cricketing term where the batter would show strong fundamentals and admirable restraint to hit down the ground (usually along the carpet), eschewing any agricultural cross-batted swipes
v - refers to the batting pitch map where such sensible shots would form a V shape over the course of an innings
note - also can apply to bedroom activities
Good luck on the date with Jess… Take time to get your eye in and just play in the v
Q - How’d you go in the interview
A - Yeah good, I kept my shots along the ground and played in the v
A cringe saying when that your friend says when he doesn't understand how to use the word yeet.
"I stole your golden scar that was a yeet play!"
A Youtuber who somehow gets thousands of views for uploading cringe content
"Subscribe To Zawez Plays!"
Dinho play is doing step overs with dinho in your opponent’s box
Dinho play is a play that you do when playing pifa you pass the ball to your cm and then pass a driven pass to your CF whose gonna be dinho and the you do step overs before your opponent switch to the CB then you green the shot warra goal for you dude
Somebody who is a really good friend but also really amazing at playing videogames.
Person 1: Did you see Rajonite's stream last night?
Person 2: Ya, it was play-tonic as hell!