To masturbate over the proudness of oneself (rather than a sexual fantasy).
I'm so proud of myself for getting this promotion. I'm going to have a great pride wank tonight.
Having pride in being a thug, criminal, nigga, nigger, or hood rat. To be proud of niggerdom and nigger loving action. To have self pride in performing niggerdom.
Tyrone had niggas pride when he shot a gangster on the street last night.
Charles did not understand why his black friend was so happy for eating fried chicken and cool aid. His black friend was happy due to niggas pride.
Carrying all your groceries in from the car in one trip, without any help
Tom: You want help with those bags?
Nick: Fuck off. Sherpa pride!
A sin as deadly as hatchback envy or hatchback vanity.
Hatchback pride guy-Look at how much bigger my hatchback is than this other guy. He can't even fit in any of his shit.
Guys friend- Watch your hatchback pride pal.
A sin as deadly as hatchback envy or hatchback vanity.
Hatchback pride guy-Look at how much bigger my hatchback is than this other guys. He can't fit in any of his shit.
Guys friend-Watch your hatchback pride pal, his car is the same size as yours, you're just the bigger asshole.
a way to give 8 fucks at once. or and octopus with a hand at the end of each tentacle to flip off 8 people/things at once if need be. a fucktopus comes in many shapes colors and identities but all have the the same reactions when they see a homophobe to flick them off
"a bisexual fucktopus just berry blasted a homophobe.."
a pride fucktopus is an octopus that flicks off homophobes in a funny way
berry blasted is getting more then one middle finger group bisexual(s)
Exploiting/Creating marginalised communities for social/economic gain.
*homosexual transgender individual*: Ugh, I’m tired of these cunts at Starbucks putting rainbows in shit just to exploit me. I just want some fucking soy latte without any extra shit in it.
*me*: Looks like some hardcore pride preying if I’ve ever seen it.