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Grunge Puppy

A band formed outside of Philadelphia in late 2017. Grunge Puppy is known for their grungy songs (go figure), their stage presence live (throwing themselves on the floor, solos behind head) and their interesting personalities outside of music!

Person A: Have you heard of the band β€œGrunge Puppy”?
Person B: That’s a dumb name...
Person A: You obviously don’t listen to many bands do ya?

by *Definitely Not Grunge Puppy* September 9, 2018

12πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž

knicker puppies

A young to middle aged woman who's bosom hangs too low for her age.

Wow, did you see those knicker puppies on Nadya Suleman? Dayam, that woman needs a good bra!

by valkyre10 November 24, 2009

48πŸ‘ 15πŸ‘Ž

Swamp Puppies

A bunch of feisty Alligators or Crocodiles

"I'm going down to the bayou"
"Watch out for swamp puppies, they'll bite your dick off"

by elgupo May 13, 2017

553πŸ‘ 127πŸ‘Ž

Puppy love

Love for the sake of loving.

Person A: Oh my gosh I love her!
Person B: Are you sure you don't love her just because you love loving?
Person A: ............
Person B: Thought so.
Person A: But.. I love her...
Person B: no you don't. It's called puppy love.

by Joshbray1992 January 1, 2009

63πŸ‘ 18πŸ‘Ž

puppy love

A serious and deadly psychological disorder. When an unfortunate person is inflicted with "puppy love", their brain will quickly deteriorate. With what brain cells they have left, they focus on a particular person, whether it be a boyfriend/girlfriend or just a crush, and forget about anyone else. It is a leading cause of broken friendships and heartbreak.

"Puppy love" can be easily spotted. Common symptoms include, but are not limited to:

-Total and complete obsession with the object of this "puppy love"
-Sudden disinterest in friends, family, and hobbies
-When the inflicted uses words such as "it's love!" and "going to get married" and "live happily ever after"
-Relationships that move through the different levels at an alarmingly fast rate

"Puppy love", having been completely ignored by psychologists around the globe, has reached the state of an epidemic. No one is safe from it, and once a person has been contaminated, there is no hope. The only thing that can be done is to sit down and wait for it to take it's course. Very few survivors of this disorder are ever the way they used to be.

Your best friend: ____ asked me out! 8D
You: Awh! That's great! :)

<two days later>

Your best friend: ___ said I'm the most beautiful girl in teh world! And that he loves me! And that one day he's going to marry me! Isn't that amazing? 8D
You: Uh....yeah. Sure. o_O
You: *walk away from your friend who is suffering form a terrible case of puppy love*

by alittlebluebird October 6, 2009

130πŸ‘ 50πŸ‘Ž

Sex Puppy

A very sexy person who does nothing all day but follow around his/her master in a sexual manner, always happy for intercourse ("doggie")

"heel, sex puppy"

by Max Wilkes September 21, 2008

82πŸ‘ 30πŸ‘Ž

puppy chow

A snack made from Chex cereal, peanut butter, chocolate, and powdered sugar. In effect, all ingredients are combined in a bag and shaken until the cereal is coated with all other ingredients. Must be eaten with hands.

There is never a bad time to eat puppy chow.

by Shannon L.W. January 10, 2007

257πŸ‘ 109πŸ‘Ž