Source Code

The Golden Rule

When engaging in a threesome that involves two guys and one girl, the golden rule states that it's not gay.

It's not gay when its in a three-way

Girl: I'll only take both of you

Josh: No way, that's gay!

Andy: Don't forget the golden rule bro! it's not gay when it's in a three-way, its ok when it's in a three-way, with a honey in the middle and some leeway, it's not gay when it's in a three-way.

by jolzz May 28, 2011

119๐Ÿ‘ 27๐Ÿ‘Ž

ruling class

A class of people in a society that exercise authority and control far in excess of their contributions to society.

Almost universally, this power is used acquire wealth that is greatly disproportionate to their own work. For example, today in the United States, the average CEO makes 400 times what the average entry level worker makes, though the work they contribute is minor at best. For comparison, this ratio was only 75-to-1 back in 1970, and the ratio of 1970's America is similar in both Japan and Canada today. There is no evidence that American CEOs are more productive or work any harder, hence the source of their greater incomes is derived from other means.

The means of the power by the ruling class is variable, but common techniques include aristocracy and nepotism, manipulation of religion, creating and then preying upon fear, direct violence, control of education, domination of the political system, domination of the judicial system, or domination of the legislative system.

Because the concentration of power is difficult to achieve, the ruling class almost always has a high degree of coordination and solidarity with one-another, insofar as their goals align in excluding the working class from power.

Today in America, the Presidential Debates are hosted by a private company, the Commission on Presidential Debates. It is a major tool used by the ruling class to assure that no matter which major party candidate you vote for, the ruling class remains in control.

If a person dares to question the aristocratic power of the ruling class, they are immediately called a socialist, a communist, un-American, or other terms.

The ruling class depends entirely on the working class to produce everything they own and consume.

by madric January 31, 2012

37๐Ÿ‘ 6๐Ÿ‘Ž

Rule 34

( อกยฐ อœส– อกยฐ)

don't... do it... ok?

rule 34

by kwozont & caik January 5, 2021

38๐Ÿ‘ 7๐Ÿ‘Ž

rule 32

an internet rule that states that if it can be said, it can be said with a picture

why say "i see what you did there" when you can just as easily scour the interweb for hours trying to find a picture of an owl with a text edit saying the same thing?

that's rule 32

by lishuss October 17, 2006

983๐Ÿ‘ 278๐Ÿ‘Ž

ja rule

Another word for raging diarrhea.

It is imperative that the typhoon victims receive clean water and food as soon as possible to prevent wide spread outbreaks of Ja Rule.

by Scoopz January 15, 2005

592๐Ÿ‘ 163๐Ÿ‘Ž

rule of three

When asking someone about the number of sexual partners they've had MULTIPLY a woman's answer by 3, 'cause ladies don't wanna seem like the slut. When a man answers DIVIDE his number by 3 because he wants to seem like a player.

I knew Pete was really spanking the monkey at home when he said he'd been with 3 women.

by SexyDiva March 15, 2005

643๐Ÿ‘ 177๐Ÿ‘Ž

Rule 621

The 6-2-1 rule is a furry convention hygiene guideline. The rule mandates the following:

6 hours of sleep per night.
2 meals per day.
1 shower per day.

These numbers are lower limits and not intended as upper limits. The third part of the rule is to prevent con funk - all parts help to avoid con crud and concurrent post-con depression.
Source: 6-2-1 rule Wikifur

1: "Oh man, I'm so tired..."
2: "Well, did you stick to the Rule 621?"

by Samadadood July 10, 2018

188๐Ÿ‘ 45๐Ÿ‘Ž