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A dick of a friend who spends most his time reflecting on his sad life watching porn

Samuel, your a dick

by Ethan050607 March 22, 2019

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samuel fyllingen

A cool dude

Person1: Samuel Fyllingen.
Person2: That dude is cool

by safydude May 9, 2022

Samuel Arnold

He is a "dad" to students and the holy spirit in a religon that some practice. He is also a social studies teacher but who cares about.

Wow i can't wait to go to Samuel Arnold's class and see him.

by The only big boi April 17, 2019

1πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž


A gay fuck head who is built like a turtle, his long boney neck makes you wanna snap it in half
His Mc Donald looking ass forehead stands out from the rest
His hair is so fucking greasy i can see my own reflection in it
His 2 mm defter leaves men speechless, yes men he cant get women.

"yo tommy do u that Samuel over there"
"Ew bro"

by 2InchPinch96420 November 9, 2020

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Nice caring guy doesn’t care about people that don’t matter to him ,doesn’t fuck with fools and makes people laugh no matter how angry they are at him

This guy is savage his obviously a Samuel

by Deadkill August 30, 2018

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a lil cunt that always tries to steal ur food, never shares and the big gay.


Samuel is gay

by nigerian prince 420 October 2, 2019

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Hates anyone who isn’t him. Cool around family, kinky and romantic around girlfriend, stupid but funny around friends. Probably wants to kill people.

Have you seen Samuel lately? I think he’s either doing his best or has just given up completely.

by Junkies October 21, 2017

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